“ Anna-Marie is the main reason I am doing so well in my recovery. After my ACL surgery, she pushed me every week and always kept me optimistic. She comforted me and had faith that I would be able to come back from the injury and play football. She knows when to push you and when to let up a little one day. She focuses all of her time and...
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What is Functional Training?
Functional training focuses on restoring strength and proper function of the musculoskeletal system with the goal of making it easier for our patients to perform their everday activities. Functional training is different for everyone and will be determined during your inital evaluation with your physical therapist as to the demands and goals of what activities you would like to achieve or return to without difficlty or pain. Functional training does not have to be a stand along aspect of your recovery it can be part of your sports rehabilitation, balance traning, post-operative care, or general orthopedic rehabilitation.
How can Elite Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy help?
We listen to your goals and needs to establish an exercise program to reach those goals. Our job is to help you unlock the maximum potenital from your body. We ensure that you can perform at your highest capacity on the field, in your job, or with your friends without any difficulties, while reducing your risk of injury as much as possible in the process.